  Public Ticket #2460966
Why do users have to login twice?


  •  3
    Leonard Zakoor started the conversation

    Screenshot attached

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Leonard Zakoor, 

    If you have another plugin for some front-end login, Amelia Employee data and login can't be integrated with it. Amelia employees can access the panel when they are logged in to the back-end of WordPress (if the employee in Amelia is connected to that WP user ). 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask. 

  •  3
    Leonard Zakoor replied

    How does that even work? I'm not sure what you mean. What other plugin for front-end login? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Leonard, 

    Sorry , I can't understand the issue that you have. I am not sure where  this TEST002 login coming from - the smaller window where AM test is logged in is for the Amelia front-end panel, but the bigger window is from? I assumed it is some front-end login you have on your website.  

  •  3
    Leonard Zakoor replied

    There isn't another "front-end" to my site. It should be like the customer panel. Why do my users have to login to my site and then login to WP Amelia? Once you're logged into Wordpress that user should be persistent through the entire site. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Leonard, 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    Amelia Customers can be connected to WordPress users in the back-end of Amelia, when you create the customer there, or if they book an appointment while logged in to WP, if the option Automatically create Amelia Customer user in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles settings-> Customer is enabled (in this case Amelia customer user role is added to the WP user) . So in these cases when these WP users log in to the back-end of WordPress , they can access the Customer panel as well.

    There isn't a possibility of connecting Amelia customers to WP users via their email, unfortunately, if that is what you want to achieve.

  •  3
    Leonard Zakoor replied

    Thanks. Unfortunately, I'm still not knowing why users/employees have to login to my site and then login to WPAmelia. That seems very inefficient and I've already received several complaints and questions about it. 

    Can you give me some more clarification as to why? 

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Leonard. 

    Well, like I explained in my previous answer the connection of logging in to the back-end of WordPress and logging in to the Amelia front-end Customer panel - there isn't a possibility of connecting Amelia customers to WP users via their email, unfortunately, if that is what you want to achieve.

    Amelia Customers can be connected to WordPress users in the back-end of Amelia, when you create the customer there 


    or if they book an appointment while logged in to your WordPress ( I am talking about the back-end of your WordPress website) , if the option Automatically create Amelia Customer user in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles settings-> Customer is enabled (in this case Amelia customer user role is added to the WP user) . So in these cases when these WP users log in to the back-end of WordPress , they can access the Customer panel as well.

  •  8
    Kodi Fletcher replied

    I agree with you Leonard! They need to fix this so users don't need to login twice! Very confusing for customers and clients.

  •  4
    Jeferson replied

    Really. is becoming a headache

    My website turned into a puzzle to get around this defect

  •  3
    Leonard Zakoor replied

    I can see the "how" behind this issue. However, I'm struggling with the "why". If a user has the role "Amelia Employee" and is registered in Amelia as an employee, then everything works. However, if you take either of those pieces out, it breaks. 

    I just feel like this is a complete cluster in terms of managing users, roles and the site in general. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello there, 

    That connection is made and requested - Amelia Employee <-> WP user - because of the correct access and permissions to the panel (or the back-end of WP). So, if there isn't this connection the panel can't see which employee from Amelia is the WP User, in order to show them only their schedule/appointments/etc. It is made that way that the Employee-WP user connection gives the right access and permissions to WP users in Amelia.

    The logic isn't created in a way that Amelia can just recognize the WP user by their email or something else and finds that email in the Amelia employee users base and shows that employee's schedule/appointments/etc. The logic in Amelia now is that the connection needs to be established between Amelia users and WP users.

    I added this as a feature request, so it can be considered for implementation in the future. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.