  Public Ticket #2453094
Amelia Events Capacity


  • Alan started the conversation


    I want to bring to your attention the ambiguity of the term 'capacity' in the events listing.

    Amelia denotes availability with the text e.g. 'Capacity: 0 / 15'. This is resulting in visitors not booking our events because they interpret this to mean there are 0 spaces left out of 15 as opposed to 0 bookings out of 15.

    Can you modify Amelia to make this element more descriptive, removing this ambiguity. For example, this could easily be rectified by displaying

    Places Booked: 0  Places Available: 15

    If the application allowed customers to change the strings this would help or placeholders could be used. This would allow customers to configure this exactly as they wanted.

    Please consider this as an urgent fix/change.

    Alan Jones

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Alan, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Thank you for the suggestion and clarification, but at the moment this can't be modified, unfortunately. I will add it as a feature request to our list and forward it to the development team so it can be considered for implementation in the future. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.

  • Alan replied

    I am posting a reply to this issue as it is now almost a year since we first reported the issue and each time you update Amelia we have to modify the JS chunks in order to change the narrative to make it read correctly to our customers and avoid confusion. Can you confirm if this issue is any further forward on being added/resolved in the product?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Alan, 

    We implement feature requests/suggestions to the plugin based on users' requests, mostly based on the number of votes these requests/suggestions get by our users, so the feature requests that are requested the most are in the top of our to-do list. I added this to our feature requests list but as I can see this wasn't requested by users, unfortunately, so it wasn't considered for implementation. You can suggest it here as well , or check if there is such request there and vote for it. 

    Regarding changing strings in the plugin , it can be done with some translation tool like Loco translate or Poedit, but you would still need to implement the change after each update, unfortunately. You can hide the Capacity information completely on the front-end with adding custom CSS, if that could help.

    If you have any other questions or issues feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.