  Public Ticket #2447301
Hide Activation Key?


  •  2
    Tristan Knapp started the conversation


    How do I hide the activation key?

    • "Improvement: Added an option in the database to hide the activation key (if you use Amelia for client websites)."

    Can you tell me what the bug fixes were for Zoom? I hope it says "join zoom meeting" now.

    • "BugFix: Fixed the issue with Zoom link in SMS notifications."
    • "BugFix: Fixed the issue with Zoom link in reminder notification."

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tristan, 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    Hiding activation setting is done in your database. When you access your database, please open the wp_options table and then find the amelia_settings option there. You need to edit it and find the activation property in it, and change the value for the the showActivationSettings from true to false, like here: 


    Let me know if this helped!

    Regarding Zoom, Zoom links were sent with HTML in SMS notifications and there weren't sent in email reminder notifications, so we fixed these two issues.