  Public Ticket #2441934
Removing WooCommerce My Account Page


  • Timothy Schultz started the conversation

    In all of your demos, your demo sites show customers a single "my reservations" or "my account" page, which showcase the Amelia customer portal. This is what I want to do. 

    Because I am using Woo to access Stripe (and plan to add physical and download products later), I have WooCommerce installed and integrated with Amelia. 

    BUT the menu now displays "my Reservations" AND the default "MY ACCOUNT" page that Woo generates. This is very confusing as the customer might think they have to login twice. 

    I want to remove the Woo "My Account" page from my Main Navigation but I cannot figure out nor find any documentation on how to remove this. I know that this isn't a TMS product but since you were able to do it in your demo is there any way you can help me? 

    Thank you. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Timothy, 

    We don't have WooCommerce on our demo sites, so I am not sure if I understood your issue quite well. 

    I am not sure where is that My account WooCommerce login is coming from, but I assume there is somewhere a setting in WooCommerce where you can turn it off. 

    You can put the Customer panel on a separate page on your website, WooCommerce account has nothing to do with the Customer panel. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.