  Public Ticket #2414968
Payment Gateway Bug


  • Marius Vlad Pop started the conversation

    There is a bug on woocommerce  payments gateway.

    All appointments appear ”payed” after adding them to the woocom checkout cart.

    Amelia does NOT recieve the payments status from woocommerce.

    Please fix it, because we have the risk of working unpaid.

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marius Vlad Pop, 

    This is not a bug, it is a normal behavior of WooCommerce integration in Amelia. When WooCommerce is used as a payment option in Amelia, that appointments is created with status paid when the booking process is finished successfully. 

    You can change the Default appointments status to be Pending in Amelia-> Settings -> General, so when the payment is done in WooCommerce you can approve the appointment in Amelia if that would help for your use case. 

    I will forward this to the development team and add it as a feature request so it can be considered for modification in the future. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.