  Public Ticket #2412944
Book services with category listing


  • Souphan Keodouangkham started the conversation

    I have purchased  Amelia for my clients page, and would like to list the booking in a Category card style like you have here: https://beauty.wpamelia.com/our-services/

    I'm only seeing Calendar style on my setup. Where do I change this view setting?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Souphan Keodouangkham, 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    This is the Catalog view in Amelia, so you need to use the shortcode for the catalog view on your page [ameliacatalog] instead the booking one [ameliabooking]. You can find all the shortcodes that you can use on your pages in our FAQ section. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask.