  Public Ticket #2412409
Storing Custom Booking Fields


  • Warren started the conversation

    In my appointment booking form, I have created 12 custom fields.  I have customers that come back many times to schedule future appointments, but I don't want them to have to fill out the same information every time.  Is there a way to have those custom fields be pre-populated when the customer returns to make a subsequent appointment after the first appointment is made?

    Can the customer front-end panel login information be used to log in to the front-end booking screen, and pre-populate all the information from the custom fields?

    I searched Amelia feature requests and other support documentation, but can't find any hints on this.  Hopefully I didn't miss the answer there.

    Thank you,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Warren, 

    Unfortunately, there isn't a possibility to pre-populate the custom fields in the booking form in Amelia for customers that have already booked that. As these information are linked to the appointments, not customers in Amelia. Only customers information (name/email) are filled in in the booking form when they are booking while logged in to WordPress. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.