  Public Ticket #2411879
Disable using Employee or change Employee word on checkout


  •  9
    Laurence started the conversation

    Looks like the system requires "Employees" to be added for the services. We dont have specific employees for people to choose. There would not be a need for this on many many appointment/service booking systems.

    If its not possible to remove Employee, then how can I change the wording of Employee on the checkout form to say "Session" or "Service" or "Activity" (I have created an employee named after the activity. I changed the Label of it in Settings but it did not change on the booking form. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Laurence, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    You can change the string Employee when you go to Amelia -> Settings -> Labels, so whatever string you put instead of employee/employees there will be the one used if the Labels are enabled. 

    There isn't an option to remove the Employee, but you can hide it with adding custom CSS. IF you want that instead of using the Labels option above mentioned, please send me a page where you have your Amelia shortcode and I will help out with the CSS. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.