  Public Ticket #2411149
Amelia login


  • Hello There started the conversation


    I have been reading about amelia and read that you have implemented the customer cabinet in Jan 2020. Now for a customer to book there are two scenarios

    1) User has an account and signs in to customer cabinet link. So can login to customer cabinet, view his previous bookings and then create a new booking if desires. The problem is that when the user wishes to create a new booking, after already signing in they have to repeat their details at the end of booking process (full name+email etc). Surely if they have signed in already this should just be added onto their account without information again?

    2) User has an account and is not logged to customer cabinet.

    So when they click the Booking page, they will complete booking and enter their details (full name, email etc). Which checks if the full name + email match with any account. Surely at the end of the booking process they should be greeted with a login to your account option?

    Although the customer cabinet is an awaited feature and surely a good one, the process is confusing to me unless I'm missing something?

    Look forward to your answer. Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    hello there,

    Thanks for your interest.

    On the customer Panel, customer can manage appointments and events, cancel/reschedule and access zoom link for online appointments and evens and ca see his/her profile data, if you allow customers to delete data, they can do that too. 

    But customers can not book via customer panel for now. 

    Access to the panel is sent to the customer via notification, you just need to add placeholder in the notification. 

    Hope this is clare now and let me know if you have any other questions.