  Public Ticket #2410622
1 time payment for Booking private class


  • Four Kositanont started the conversation

    Hi Support,

    We have 20 teachers. And we would like to sell the course as hours rate. For example: Teacher A: 30 Hours for $100. And then student can book/appoint the teacher after that. 

    So, it's one-time payment $100 for 30 hours but student can choose any available time for teacher A until they reach 30 hours.

    When student book the time and Teacher A confirmed. they will use Zoom link for their private class.

    Is that possible with Amelia?

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied


    Thanks so much for your interest.

    We do not have package booking at the moment, but we plane to add this feature in the near future. For now customer can book and p[ay for the single appointment.

    Zoom integration is available already.

    Let me know if you have further questions!

  • Four Kositanont replied

    Thank you Nevena. That's sound interesting!

    Could please estimate/tell us the plan to add this feature? this year?

    by the way. I think your plugin will fit our needs

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied


    It is on our road map fo this summer!