  Public Ticket #2408452
Can amelia auto approved bookings​ when woocommerce payment completed?


  • Arsh started the conversation

    I set my "Default Appointment Status" to Approve. but, when woocommerce payment status still on Hold, customer will received approved notification. 

    If i set my "Default Appointment Status" to Pending, i have to approved the booking manually.

    what should i do to make the booking pending when the payment is not completed and approved when the payment complete

  •  5
    Danny Mayer replied

    Hey Arsh, I use this plugin: http://www.seriousplugins.com/woocommerce-autocomplete-orders/

    I have it set so that it auto completes my paid virtual products (aka bookings in this case).

    I hope it helps!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Arsh, 

    Unfortunately, there isn't such option in Amelia when WooCommerce is used, when the booking is done and appointment created using the Woo payment the appointments are approved in Amelia right away if this status is set. The only work-around would be, like you mentioned, to set the Default status to be Pending and then manually approve the appointments for which you get payments in WooCommerce. 

    You can try what one of our users, Danny, mentioned, but we can't guarantee that it will work as we don't know the nature of that plugin and how does it work, and the WooCommerce integration in Amelia is created for WooCoommmerce without any additional plugins/add-ons/etc. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.