  Public Ticket #2408211
Suggestions / Recommendations


  •  1
    unsuns06 started the conversation

    Hello, I have 3 important suggestions for the next update of WP Amelia. You guys did an amazing job with this plugin, but here is how you can improve it even more :

    *To give some context, I use the Stripe Payment option without Woocommerce, to make the User Experience friction-less*

    1- Add an option to enable and customize the Metadata sent to Stripe directly on the WP Settings, instead of doing it manually from the Database.

    2- Add an option to create a Stripe Customer (automatically) using the Metadata, and send a receipt from Stripe to the customer automatically. - It's very tedious to do this manually one by one on Stripe when you have numerous clients a day. This will also make our lives easier for accounting and tax purposes.

    3- Add an option to automatically set a Google Meet Call for specific services, using the Google Calendar integration that you already did wonderfully.

    Thank you and please keep us posted about the new features !

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello unsuns06, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Glad to see you like Amelia. 

    Thank you for the suggestions, I will add them to our feature requests list so they can be considered for implementation in the future. They would be useful I agree but for now, I can't tell if and when they will be implemented as we do get many requests and suggestions and we try to implement the most requested ones and as many as we can in each update of the plugin. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.