  Public Ticket #2408015
Timezone not pulling from Wordpress Settings


  • mecurioj started the conversation

    I have confirmed my settings in the site to be 12-hour format and the proper timezone. Amelia is still showing 24 hour time. Why?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello mecurioj, 

    Thank  you for your purchase. 

    Could you please tell me have you chosen one of the default Time formats in your WordPress or some custom format? If it is a custom one, please choose one of the default ones and let me know if the issue is gone. 

    If the issue is there still afterwards, please let me know where exactly do you see the 24h time format in Amelia? Thank you!

  • mecurioj replied

    yes, we have chosen the standard for Date and Time

    working days and such is where the main problem is. It's confusing for my client.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello mecurioj, 

    Unfortunately, the Work Hours tab in the Employees' modal can't have the 12 hr time format, only the 24 h one. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.