  Public Ticket #2407655
Feature Request: Field for email-only text and TinyMCE for description


  •  14
    Heinz started the conversation

    1. It would be great if there is a way to write a text which will only appear in an email notification when integrate a placeholder %%

    Right now for the events I use the placeholder %event_description% which integrates the whole text from that field, but sometimes it would be nice if there is some special information only in the confirmation email, for example a Zoom password :D

    2. A very simple TinyMCE, or something similar for the description field is another big wish. At least for <b>, <i>, <br> and links would be nice as well, and to put the whole text by default in <p>. I am using HTML-code there now, but not all employees know HTML to style and structure the text.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Heinz,

    1. I am not sure I understand quite well. Can you explain in more details? Do you mean on a new field (input) in the Event dialog, that will be used only for email placeholders?

    2. We already have this feature in our TODO list, so it will be implemented in one of the future releases, but I am not sure exactly when it will be.