  Public Ticket #2407542
calendar event invite email


  •  2
    eyethstudios started the conversation


    I'm back working on the email again-

    This time, the emails are working- However, the calendar event invitation email is sent immediately after booking-- I want it to trigger after the appointment has been approved. How would I go about that?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi there,

    Do you mean on Google Calendar invitation? If yes, you should uncheck Insert Pending Appointments option, in Integrations settings, under Google Calendar tab.

  •  2
    eyethstudios replied

    Yes I'm talking about Google Calendar invitation, the one where you RSVP to the appointment, and add it to your personal calendar. 

    I do not want to disable event invitations. I just don't want it to send invitations automatically when the appointment has been booked (in pending status)

    Unchecking the Insert Pending Appointments (the tooltips implied that it was for employees only) stopped the event invitation from sending, however when it's been approved, it does not send out the calendar invitation at all.

  •   [deleted] replied privately