  Public Ticket #2407481
Line Height E-Mails


  •  7
    Helmut started the conversation

    why is the styling in the Backend  so different to the Email styling.
    I tried with normal Enter and also with Shift Enter but it is always the same gap after a line -> see screenshot
    I also tested this in the demo version and there is the same problem.
    I also checked when i switch to another font the font won't be switched to the font i have choosen.
    Kind regards, Daniel

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Daniel, 

    The only way to remove the spacing between paragraphs, is in the database. Please open your database, find and open the wp_options table and find the option name amelia_settings there. You need to edit it. You will see a setting notifications in it. You need to set the value <div style='height: 0.1rem'><\/div> for the '' breakReplacement'' parameter . Like here : 

    notifications": {    "breakReplacement": "<div style="height: 0.1rem"><\/div>"

    Regarding the font not changed, I tried it now on our test site and it seems like it doesn't change for some reason. Sorry about that. I forwarded this to the development team so they can check this out. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask. 

  •  7
    Helmut replied

    Hi Marija,
    i think this worked before the latest update.And i am afraid to change things in the database.
    Maybe it would be a cool feature to add a "switch to html button" to the wysiwyg editor in the notifications.
    Kind regards, Daniel

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Daniel, 

    Thank you, we will check it out. 

    Thank you for the suggestion, I will add it as a feature request to our list so it can be considered for future implementation.