  Public Ticket #2407425
Email Consolidation


  • Phil Engsberg started the conversation


    Thank you for the support. 

    To my best understanding, this is what I think is happening. 
     - The ZOOM confirmation is sent directly through Ameila
     - The GOOGLE CALENDAR invite is sent through API (it'd be nice to disable the "google meet" option in API if possible. Only using ZOOM to avoid confusion would be the best.)
     - The INVOICE is sent through Woocommerce after checkout.

    In your videos you mentioned that if you use woocommerce, you loose the ability to "add to calendar" after booking (workaround is fine b/c of the google invite)

    Getting 3 emails every time you book a session seems clunky and like I could do better. 

    I would like to optimize communication with my clients and send a one-email booking confirmation 

    Ideally there will be 3 things in 1 email.

       - Invoice from Woocommerce
       - Google Calendar Invite
       - Zoom link 

    The next best thing would be sending 2 emails

     - Invoice details
     - Google calendar invite and Zoom Link

    Is there a way to consolidate my emails?
    Can I personalize in Google Calendar API?

    Thank you!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Phil, 

    You are welcome. 

    Yes, you understood that well. Unfortunately, there isn't a possibility to merge these emails in one since they are all coming from different sources, like you explained. The Zoom link is sent via email notifications from Amelia, the Google invite is from Google calendar/API (disable Google meet option - I will add that as a feature request and forward it to the developers so it can be considered for future implementation) and the WooCommerce invoice is from WooCommerce. 

    You can only add the Zoom link to Google events so customers can have the link in the Google invite and their Google calendar, but in this case you would disable Amelia notifications.

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.