  Public Ticket #2406913


  • Henk Bloemink started the conversation

    I've moved my WordPress-site including Amelia to the root-map. All (including Amelia) still works except some links. I can rename this links but there is one exception: the URI I need for my client-ID and API for Google Calendar. I can't change it...

    Where can I change this URI !? I don't want to re-install Amelia to correct this problem.

    Kind regards,

    Henk Bloemink

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Henk Bloemink,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    You can change the Amelia URI in wp_options table. Search for amelia_settings in option_name column, and there you will see Amelia settings. This settings is in JSON format so you can use https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer to easily change these links.