  Public Ticket #2405347
Events and Categories with services aren't showing


  •  2
    Vladimir started the conversation


    We have some weird issue with Amelia. When I create some Event or service category and save it after that, they are just disappears after page reload, but that records still exist in database. Please check out my screen record. 

    How to solve that issue? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Vladimir, 

    Apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    It might be that there is something missing in the database for some reason - a foreign key or some column or similar. It can be a security block as well. Could you please check do you get some error in the Console log when you open the Services page in Amelia? 

    Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look. We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check Private Reply so nobody can see them except us.

  •   Vladimir replied privately
  •   [deleted] replied privately