  Public Ticket #2404611
Chart Filtering by URL


  •  2
    Andrew Kenth started the conversation

    I'd like to filter a chart based on a url parameter. I prefer not to show the data table on the same page, just the chart. I am attempting to use var1 in the short code for the chart but that does not seem to carry over tot he table and the chart presents the default value for var1. 

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for your purchase.

    Sorry for late response. 

    We are located in Serbia and our working time is from 10:00 to 17:00 CET. business days.

    Yes at the moment is it not possible to use placeholders in shorcodes of wpdatachart, but there is some workaround. 

    Table where you are using placeholders and from which you made that chart you can filter the chart by option "Follow table filtering" in chart wizard. So when you turn this option, you have to insert table that you use for making this chart and also a chart of the same page. 

    When you pass placeholders throw shortcode in table, table will be filtered by him and also chart will be filtered based on data in table. if you have data on more pages(paginations) on chart will be shown only data from table that is loaded on page(not will be included data from other pages in paginations) then you have to set option Default rows per page on Display tab in table settings to ALL and all data will be shown on page and will be shown in chart also.

    If you don't need to table you can hide it with CSS or turn off visibility for all columns. Please note that for filters have to be turned on option "Filters in a form" on SORTING NAD FILTERING tab in table settings, so they will be shown on page when you hide table or turn off visibility.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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