  Public Ticket #2404135
Manager can't delete attendees


  •  1
    Jan started the conversation

    There is no Amelia user with the rights to delete attendees. Why?

    Ist this a bug? 

    I don't want to give my Amelia Manager WP-Administrator rights to be able to delete attendees. :-( 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Jan, 

    No, that is not a bug. Amelia Manager doesn't have permissions to delete anything in Amelia, you can read about the user roles and their permissions here. There are some permissions that can be added to this user role using a plugin for this purpose, like User role editor, but deleting attendees isn't one of them unfortunately. But Managers can cancel the attendee and the spot of that attendee will be free for booking again:


    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.