  Public Ticket #2404097
Redirect Cart


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    Alvaro Moreno started the conversation

    Hello there, hello Aleksandar,

    i hope you are fine. I have a very important issue with Woocommerce and i hope you are able to help me.

    My client is using Amelia and Woocommerce. He wanted to hide the cart, because it is not nessessary using Amelia. He wanted to be redirected directly to the checkout. I inserted a script to the functions.php and it worked fine for events. But for the usage of the calendar, it didn´t submit the data from the fields to the checkout. It is nessessary to show the cart before.

    So i deactivated the script and used javasript to redirect the cart directly to the checkout. That´s working. Not really sexy, but ok.

    So now the client want´s to sell some real products with woocommerce and he needs the cart again, if somebody chooses some products. The idea with my javascript code is now a problem. Do you have any idea or possibility to make Amelia able to redirect directly to the checkout and if something is ordered outsite from Amelia the normal checkout process will be activated? Meaning order, cart, checkout?

    Would be great, it would be able to control the redirect in Amelia. So i´m able to create custom code for an order without Amelia. What do you think?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Alvaro,

    We have recently added the option to skip the WooCommerce Cart page when using Amelia, you just need to change that in your database . And this will be saved there, so you won't need to change this again after each update of Amelia.

    When you go to your database you need to find and open the wp-options table, and find the option amelia_settings in it. Then please edit this option and when you find property 'wc:' there you need to set checkout for the 'page' property instead of cart, like here: 

     "wc": {
            "page": "checkout"

    Hope this helps!

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask. 

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    Alvaro Moreno replied


    this is working super! Thanks for the hint.

    Best regards,


    P.S. would be great to be able to manage it from the admin panel of the woo add-on itself.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Alvaro, 

    You are welcome. Glad to see that !

    The change is in the database so it will be lost when you update Amelia, so you won't need to change it again after each update of Amelia. Unfortunately, we can't do that with some add-on or similar as WooCommerce integration in Amelia is done only for the plugins Woo itself, we can't say if and how it will work with any Woo add-on or additional plugin.