  Public Ticket #2401966
Skip confirmation page?


  • Georgia Ferguson started the conversation

    Is there any way to skip the appointment confirmation page when using Woocommerce with Amelia? It seems redundant and I need things to be super, super simple for my clients.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Georgia Ferguson, 

    If you think of the Cart page (this page only can be skipped within Amelia) - in the latest release of Amelia, version 2.6, the developers added this as an option but you need to change it in your database. And it will be saved there, so you won't need to change this again after each update of Amelia.

    When you go to your database you need to find and open the wp_options table (it can have some different prefix depending on your database, so it can be something like yourprefix_options), and find the option amelia_settings in it. Then please edit this option and when you find property 'wc:' there you need to set checkout for the 'page' property instead of cart, like here: 

     "wc": {
            "page": "checkout"

    With setting this up after the booking process in Amelia customers will be taken directly to the checkout page, skipping the cart page. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask. 

  • Georgia Ferguson replied

    No, I'm not sure you understand. I want to skip the Amelia appointment confirmation page, which appears to be ajax-based, not the cart page, since we need that for our customers to add other items within our store. The Amelia appointment confirmation page is asking for name, email, phone number and is showing a price that is inaccurate  (again, since we're using Woocommerce for pricing). I'd rather just skip that Amelia appointment confirmation page altogether before moving onto the cart, since it is asking for redundant information.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Georgia, 

    I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. Unfortunately, Amelia's pages can't be skipped, the booking process can't be done without that page. The Amelia price overrides the WooCommerce price, so even though you have some price for a product in your WooCommerce, when customer book in Amelia and pay through Woo, Amelia's price will be seen in Woo as well. There isn't an option to change that nor add some additional product/price to it in WooCommerce. 

  • Georgia Ferguson replied

    Actually, it looks like my woocommerce price is overriding the Amelia price, which is what I want since members of my site get a 10% discount, or can use a credit to pay for appointments if they've purchased a package. I am simply hiding the Amelia price on the extra amelia confirmation page. You can see it on https://www.staging.btr.org/service/appointment/.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Georgia, 

    OK, if that is how you set it up, and if you get the price that you want at the end with that discount for members? Amelia integration with WooCommerce is created so the Amelia's prices are taken into consideration in the whole booking process. In any case, there isn't a possibility to skip the page where customers provide their information in Amelia as without these appointments can't be created, unfortunately.

  • Georgia Ferguson replied

    So, as I look further, it appears to only override the Amelia price if they are members and logged-in. Otherwise the Amelia price overrides. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Georgia, 

    Thank you for letting us know. We aren't aware of that behavior as we set the integration to work with WooCommerce in the way Amelia prices are seen in the whole process, but it can be because of that other plugin that you have. Could you please tell us what plugin do you use for the memberships? Thank you!