  Public Ticket #2400079
Compatibility with Transposh


  •  1
    Claire Royer started the conversation


    I'm using Transposh to translate my website but I have these 'square' characters added everywhere in the Amelia booking wizard.

    I tried to bypass Transposh translation for this part by using the recommendations from their FAQ https://transposh.org/faq/#notranslate but it didn't solve the problem. Do you have any suggestion to solve this? Or any (free if possible) translation plugin to recommend and compatible with Amelia?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Claire,

    We are not aware of that plugin's functionality so I can't tell why those characters are added. We haven't had such a complaint so far, maybe it is some conflict. Unfortunately issues like conflicts with third party plugins or themes are always possible due to the nature of WP.

    You can translate strings using POEDIT or Loco Translate for example. If you want to use POEDIT then this is the instruction:

    1. Download Amelia from TMS Store

    2. Unzip the downloaded file.

    3. Download and install POEDIT

    4. Open the program and open the file from the extracted folder on your computer ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/wpamelia-fr_FR.po.

    5. Change the strings you want.

    6. Save the translation.

    7. Go to ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/ folder and copy these two files - wpamelia-fr_FR.po and wpamelia-fr_FR.mo back to your website to the location ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/.

    This is an example for French language, but you will choose yours.

    Let me know if this helped!