  Public Ticket #2399834
How can I improve event view?


  • Barry started the conversation

    When I click on the event, all I have are description, picture, and payment confirmation button. There is no detail of instructors and other details like services, how can i have all those services details in event?

    Also, once i press the button, I was sent to home page. How can i configure the confirm button to continue to the payment?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Barry, 

    There isn't a possibility to have the same details for Events that you have for Services in Amelia. Events are a separate feature and have different functionalities than the Services feature. If you want to add some more information about the event you can create a Custom field for this purpose. 

    Could you please tell me what payment method have you set in Amelia -> Settings -> General? Also, please check if you set the same payment method in the Event, under the Settings tab -in Payments setting
