  Public Ticket #2396430
Want multiple selection of services option


  • Balakrishnan Murugan started the conversation

    hey, am planning to start a home salon service booking website, and i like your plugin very much, it looks and works awesome. but with this plugin we can select only one service at a time while booking, i need multiple service booking option at a time. can you make this customization for me..??

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Balakrishnan,

    Thanks so much for you interest.

    Currently we do not have multiple services booking in one session, but customers can book one service and add Extras to that service, you can take a look here cause it might work for you: https://wpamelia.com/services-and-categories/

    It probably can be done with some custom work, but our developers are very busy at the moment, working on some priority tasks and fixing bugs and issues with our plugins, so they won't be having the time for custom work in near future.

    But we can recommend these services for customization:



    They do develop such solutions, so can you please send your inquiry to them, if Extras does not work for you?