  Public Ticket #2391801
compatibility Amelia and SimpleCalendar


  • Petra started the conversation

    Dear reader, 

    We are considering using Amelia, maybe buy it, to have our customers book an appointment for yoga classes (max 8 persons per group due to Corona/Covid).

    I am using WP 5.4.1 on PHP 7.3.17
    and we use SimpleCalendar to display a Google Calendar on our website (this  lists the timetable of the yoga school https://yogaoosten.nl). 

    I had just installed Amelia and started setting settings, when I noticed that our site was down. 

    Cause: SimpleCalendar had given up, and since that is on our homepage, site seemed really down. 

    Question: Can Amelia and SimpleCalendar both be installed in WordPress (and work) or is this a known incompatibility?

    I've reactivated SimpleCalendar and deactivated Amelia plugin and site is working again...
    (Another near heart-attack...)

    Thank you for your response, Petra.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Petra, 

    Thanks for reaching out, we are glad to see you are interested in Amelia. 

    Unfortunately, we aren't familiar with the plugin that you mentioned so we can't say for sure if Amelia will work with it or not. Issues like conflicts with third party plugins or themes are always possible due to the nature of WP, and it might take significant time to investigate and replicate the issue on our side, to be able to find the source of the problem, especially when the plugin or theme is not familiar to us. 

    You can try deactivating that plugin SimpleCalendar and then activate Amelia to be sure that Amelia is conflicting with that plugin.