  Public Ticket #2381925
Events - filter by employee


  •  1
    Briony Cullin started the conversation

    I want to set up a front end view for all events and include filter by employee. Is that possible?  

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Briony Cullin. 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Unfortunately, it isn't possible to filter the events by employees. These are the possible shortcodes that you can use on your pages for Events: 

    1. [ameliaevents] if you want to show list of all your events,
    2. [ameliaevents tag=’name’] if you want to show just the events that belongs to the same tag defined during the creation of events, where “name” will be replaced with the tag name,
    3. [ameliaevents event=1] if you want to show only the event with ID 1 without its recurring events,
    4. [ameliaevents event=1 recurring=1] if you want to show the event with ID 1 with all his recurring events.

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.