  Public Ticket #2378357
Customer details


  •  1
    Nabil started the conversation


    I'm on the verge of buying a lifetime license of wpamelia. One concern where I can't find the details for. When a client inputs his details for a booking, does this also create a login for him?

    So when he returns to the site, can he log in and edit his appointment?

    Does this also mean that because he is registered I can send all my customers an email?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nabil,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    You can set up in our plugin to automatically create customer user and send the login information to the customer or not, and you can choose whether you will request password for logging into the Front-end customers panel or customers will receive url token link that will automatically redirect them to their appointments page without logging.

    We have two options, to create wp customer users which means that each customer will have WordPress login that they can use to login to the back-end and see only their appointments, cancel or reschedule them or you can add a shortcode to the page with Front-end customer panel, where customers will be able to access their appointments on the front-end page. More about our front-end customers panel you can read here and more about roles you will find on this page.

    As for the emails, even though customers are not registered you can setup sending of automatic emails after the booking, more about each type of our email you can read here.

    Best regards.