  Public Ticket #2375820
Amelia vs Google My Business integration


  •  2
    Peter Hrnciar started the conversation


    do you plan to integrate Amelia with Google My Business?

    They have plenty of partners, but Amelia isnt on the list https://www.google.com/maps/reserve/partners.

    I use Amelia so im very very interested in this. Also is in plan to integrate Amelia with other services than Zoom?

    Thanks for info.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Peter Hrnciar,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    We didn't plan this one yet, but I will write it down and forward this to our team so we can investigate this integration. 

    As for other integrations, at the moment we are working on some other large and most requested features so integrations will have to wait, but we plan to investigate integration with Google Meet and implement some new payment methods. Can you please tell me which integrations would you need?

    Best regards.