  Public Ticket #2375137
Service prices in booking form


  •  14
    Heinz started the conversation

    I just changed my [ameliasearch] shortcode to [ameliabooking] as the tablet and mobile version of the search form is not acceptable for most users. The booking shortcode is much more mobile friendly


    problem there is that the prices for the services are missing on the first page.

    The price for extras will show up below after adding one, but the price for the service is only visible after setting a date/time in the checkout form.

    Can this easily be changed by the developers?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Heinz, 

    Yes, the prices of the services on the Booking view/shortcode are not shown on the first step.

    Unfortunately, this can't be changed. Again, I can add that as a feature request for future consideration.

    You can check out the Catalog view, the prices of the services are shown before customers choose one of the services, so maybe that view will be more convenient for your use case. You can check out how does it look like here

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask.