  Public Ticket #2371470
Wrong Additional Fields Alignment


  •  1
    Davide Tantillo started the conversation


    I just added an additional field with text only to inform my customers about some rules.

    Since there is no possibility to insert a label for this field, it appears not aligned with the others.

    is it possible to align the text box with the other fields and maybe also gives the possibility to insert a label to this field.



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Davide, 

    That is a Text Content field and as such it doesn't have a label, because we assumed there isn't a need for a label if the input from customers isn't required, and since it is only a text information. You can make the first line of the text box to be a label, as that custom field support HTML you can write it with bigger font or bold and divide the rest of the text with a single line break. 

    Yes, I see it has different allignment, I will forward this to the development team maybe they can modify that in the future releases. There isn't an option to align the fields in Amelia, but it can probably be achieved with custom CSS. 

    You can try adding this custom HTML to the page where you have your Amelia shortcode: 

    .am-text-content {margin-top:24px;}

    Let me know if this helped!

  •  1
    Davide Tantillo replied

    Hello Marija,

    Yes, that's helped, but it's a temporary solution since for example it add extra space with lower resolution. I should media query, but for now it's ok.

    So, I'm looking forward in a next release for a fix that work in all resolution .

    Thanks for your support,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Davide, 

    You are welcome. 

    I forwarded this to the development team so they will hopefully modify the styling of it in the next update. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.