  Public Ticket #2370778
1 event with 2 price options


  •  1
    Flauntease started the conversation


    I have a client who is organizing masterclasses. The masterclasses should be able to be booked and payed from within the website. The problem is that each masterclass has 2 different price options for different customers. Is it possible with Amelia to connect 1 event / masterclass type to 2 different products with different prices and let de customer choose which one they need / want to buy?

    Thanks you very much!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Flauntease,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately it is not possible to connect 1 event to two different products, but it is possible to enable multiple payment methods and let customer to choose one of them, if that is something that would be suitable for you?

    Best regards.