  Public Ticket #2369304
Skip Cart Page After Booking


  •  3
    Amol started the conversation


    I want to skip cart page after booking as been done. So for that I saw the https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/2364834/ link. But the provided solution is not working. I mean it says to set cart instead of checkout. But when I saw the table, already cart option for the page is set.  Is there any alternative setting provided to do the same?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Amol, 

    I just see now I made a mistake in the answer there, I mixed up the pages, you need to set the property page to checkout not to cart, as the cart page is set by default. So you need to change the cart to checkout and it will skip the cart page, it will go directly to the checkout page.

     "wc": {
            "onSiteIfFree": false,
            "page": "checkout"

    Sorry about that. 

    Let me know if this worked!