  Public Ticket #2369217
Appointments not working


  • Jaap Bijl started the conversation


    a while ago I have set up Amelia on the website of my client. I set it up with Events, and then added Services & Appointments to test that out.

    Now when I want to add an appointment, I cannot select a service category, I cannot select a service, I cannot add the appointment at all.

    Also, the page where the appointments should be displayed on the frontend will not load: https://newsite.bijladvies.eu/cursus-boeken/

    I tried disabling and re-activating the plugin, that did not help.

    I re-uploaded the full ameliabooking folder to the plugins folder straight from the version 2.1.1 zip file, that did not help.

    So I went back to the version 2.6 I had installed.

    I also noticed a great deal of errors generated in the website log, which I'm including as attachment (just the last 100 errors). They are all related to Amelia.

    Please have a look and help me fix this. This website is live, so this is currently costing us. So it would be great if you could give this priority.

    Kind regards,

    Boris Hoekmeijer (for my client Jaap Bijl).

  • Jaap Bijl replied


    as said, there is some haste to this issue. Can someone please take a look at this?

    Thank you!
    Boris Hoekmeijer

  •   [deleted] replied privately
  • Jaap Bijl replied

    Hello Marija,

    thanks for your help. I've checked the settings you suggested, and indeed, the employee was not available.

    It seems strange to me though, that if that is the case, the front end page seems to have a problem loading. I think it would be a lot more user friendly if there was a statement of some kind, that currently no appointments can be scheduled. Is that possible somehow?

    I also have a styling question:

    When I go to the calendar, I see the dates. The background has been set to blue, the color of the text to white. But there is only a subtle difference between actual available dates and not available dates.

    To mark the difference, Amelia has implemented some inline-styling to the dates that are not available. There is no difference whatsoever in classes between available and unavailable dates. If you are a person with a visual impairment, or a lousy monitor, it will be difficult to see the difference between available and not available. Can you tell me how I can influence this styling? The plugin customization options are very limited and do not provide anything for this.

    Kind regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Boris,

    You are welcome. 

    Glad to see the issue is gone. Well, I get your point, but I am not sure if that would be better, as in that case the customers will maybe think that there are no available slots and just leave the site without booking, and it would pass more time I think until the admin is alarmed. And in this case with the loading it will alarm the admins more quickly that something is wrong. We will probably consider applying some error logs in the future for this. 

    The dates that are not available for booking are lined out and with darker color


    There isn't a styling option to change this (dates) in Amelia. Maybe you can try adding some custom CSS to a color the line-through, if that would make the non available dates more obvious. 

    Or make all of the dates bold if that would help:

    #am-calendar-picker > div > div.c-day-content-wrapper > div > div {font-weight: bold}

  • Jaap Bijl replied

    Hello Marija,

    - Well, our situation is like this: There is 1 employee who gives courses (the owner of the website). If he is not available, that is the same thing as there is no course available. If that is the case, the page remains in a loading screen (circle that keeps rotating). Perhaps you are thinking of other types of scenarios, but in this case in my opinion it looks like there is something wrong with the site, while the only problem is that no courses are scheduled. Don't you think that is confusing?

    - As for the styling: it is not possible to do a different styling for strikethrough than for the text itself. It's the same target in CSS: color. There is no sub span or anything for strikethrough. Honestly, I cannot understand why there wouldn't be some kind of difference in classes for available and unavailable dates, so it is possible to style them differently, to suit your clients' needs. I think it's an extremely simple adjustment for the plugin developers that would provide a nice benefit for your customers. Can you pass it on to them as a feature request?

    Thanks, and have a nice day!
    Kind regards,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Boris, 

    Yes, for your use case, that behavior might be a better solution, but most of our users has many employees and many services, and if the work hours are not configured for one of them or one service doesn't have any employee assigned the issue comes up and it would appear that none of them is available which wouldn't be the case. So, we need to think of a solution that would be convenient for all users of Amelia, maybe some error logs or similar, we will check if anything can be done.

    Regarding the styling, of course, I will add this as a feature request to our list so it can be considered for implementation in the future.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.

  • Jaap Bijl replied

    Thanks Marija!

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Boris. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.