  Public Ticket #2368416
User from other parts of the world


  •  2
    AxiomaX started the conversation


    I have an online service and needs booking from other parts of the World.

    I'm from Colombia (South America) and I have a client from Australia.

    So I need to put my work hours and user from Australia see in his time.

    For example: In Colombia I have 1PM / 13:00 then my client has Australia: 4AM/04:00

    Amelia Booking can do this?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi AxiomaX,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Yes, we have a time zone option which helps plugin to work in the way you need. If you enable 'Show booking slots in client time zone' option in our plugin your clients/customers will see available dates and time slots in their time zone and once they schedule the appointment you will see scheduled appointment on the appointment list on the back-end in your time zone. Also email notifications can be set so the customer gets confirmation with details in his time zone and your employees get details in their time zone.

    Best regards.