Of course this is possible. At the moment for payments we have PayPal and Stripe but we also have integration with WooCommerce which supports various other payment methods, so if you need any other payment method you can check here whether WooCommerce supports it and in that case you would need also WooCommerce plugin and that payment plugin.
If you plan to use PayPal or Stripe you can set it following this explanation.
We also have on-site payment type for users that want customers to pay once they come to the appointment.
Hello, I would like to know if the module takes into account the payment?
Hi Lyra,
Thank you for your interest in our plugin.
Sorry, I didn't understand the question. Can you please provide me more details?
Best regards.
I would like my customers to pay at the end of the reservation.
Hi Lyra,
Thank you for your clarification.
Of course this is possible. At the moment for payments we have PayPal and Stripe but we also have integration with WooCommerce which supports various other payment methods, so if you need any other payment method you can check here whether WooCommerce supports it and in that case you would need also WooCommerce plugin and that payment plugin.
If you plan to use PayPal or Stripe you can set it following this explanation.
We also have on-site payment type for users that want customers to pay once they come to the appointment.
Best regards.
Perfect thank you very much
Hi Lyra,
You are welcome!
Best regards.