  Public Ticket #2358831
Create Catalan POE


  • Josep Antoni started the conversation


    I need to translate de plugin to catalan. I created a folder "ca" and i use the spanish mo & po for working in the translation. I rename the files names to "wpamelia-ca.po" and "wpamelia-ca.mo", but the plugin not show in catalan when upload the folder to the web plugin.

    I'm doing something wrong?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

  • Josep Antoni replied

    Hi again,

    I solved the problem. Finally I use other plugin for create po and mo files. Now it works!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Josep Antoni , 

    Thank you for your purchase. 
    Glad to see you managed to find a solution to the issue you had. 

    We recommend translating the plugin using one of the plugins for this purpose, like  Loco Translate for example, or the program POEDIT. Please note that the folder with translations (po and mo files) will not be in Amelia, when you update it, so you need to save these files on your local machine and add them to Amelia after each update. Or you can send us the translations and we can add them to the plugin in our next major update. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.