  Public Ticket #2356852
Google Calendar Entry Query


  • Kal started the conversation

    Hi Aleksandar, 

    I need to know if we can add any entry in to the plugin's appointment Calendar on our WordPress site if any employee adds an appointment on the Google Calendar directly? I am asking this because if the employee directly adds any entry in the Google Calendar for her patient the time slot in the website keeps empty... which causes double entry on that time. So I need to know if there is any way to block the time-slot on the site when the employee adds any entry in to the Google Calendar. 

    Looking for a quick response on this.. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Kal, 

    This ticket was assigned to me, so I will help out. 

    If the employee has connected to Google calendar in Amelia and if they create an event in their Google calendar with status Busy, and if the option Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots in Amelia-> Settings -> Google Calendar Settings is enabled, then the time slot of that event will be blocked for booking in Amelia. 

    Also, please set the option Maximum Number Of Events Returned:   in Amelia-> Settings -> Google Calendar Settings to some higher number if you the employees have more events in their Google calendars. 

    Also, please check if the employees' calendars are in the same timezone as your WordPress General Settings timezone set, as this timezone is applied to Amelia as well and the Google calendars must be in the same timezone.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask.