  Public Ticket #2355268
Add hours and services in Employee>Days Off tab


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    Davide Tantillo started the conversation

    I'm starting to use Amelia Calendar plugin for my gym. It has most of the thing I need to manage my gym, but there are two missing feature that I'm certain I will need in the near future.

    My employee usually take part of a day off and not the entire day. For example, if the employee:

    • works every day from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00
    • and he needs to go to the doctor in the morning on the next Monday

    I'd like to add in Days off tab of that employee a 'Once Off' day from 8:00 to 10:00.
    In this way, my customer will be able to book a lesson from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00, but not from 8:00 to 10:00.

    Moreover I'd like to add to a day off a certain service. For example, if an employee want that on a specific day (not recurrently, but for example "the next monday only") he does not want to do a specific service, I can prevent customer to book a lesson with him.

    Thanks, Davide

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Davide Tantillo, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    The use case you explained is possible in Amelia with the Special days feature, not Days off. So, the special days are there if you need to have some days with different work hours setup for the employees rather than their usual work hours set in the Work Hours tabs. 

    The work hours that you set in the Special day override the usual work hours of the employees set in the Work Hours tab. So, for the dates that you create a special day for the available time slots will be calculated based on that Special day. Also, you can assign the services you want there - different than services assigned in the work hours. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask.

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    Davide Tantillo replied

    Hello Marija,

    Your solution perfectly fit my needs!

    I'd like to give you a suggestion. You might consider to add to the documentation of the Days Off that if the Employee wants to take part of the day off, the Special Days option fits perfectly this use case.

    Thanks for your immidiate support,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Davide, 

    Apologies for replying a bit later, we are not working on weekends. 

    Glad to hear that! You are welcome. 

    The Special days feature is explained in the documentation on the Employees page, as in the plugin it is present in the Employee modal, not in the General Settings. You can check this out here. In any case, thank you for the suggestion.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.