  Public Ticket #2352280
Javascript error


  • Nathan Hiemstra started the conversation


    When I click "View More" on any service on this page, the spinner spins indefinitely. I see the following two errors in the console:

    Thanks! Nathan 


    (index):1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://omyogakalamazoo.com/purchase-classes-amelia/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/waypoints/2.0.3/waypoints.min.js?ver=5.4'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.


    amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1 TypeError: window.afterBookingSelectService is not a function
        at s.getTimeSlots (amelia-booking-category-c815233687463ed95f38.js:1)
        at s.fetchedEntities (amelia-booking-category-c815233687463ed95f38.js:1)
        at s.mounted (amelia-booking-category-c815233687463ed95f38.js:1)
        at Re (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
        at tn (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
        at Object.insert (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
        at S (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
        at s.__patch__ (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
        at s.e._update (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
        at s.pn.before (amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1)
    Be @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    Ve @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    We @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    Re @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    tn @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    insert @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    S @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    (anonymous) @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    e._update @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    pn.before @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    pn.get @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    pn.run @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    hn @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    (anonymous) @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    Je @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    Promise.then (async)
    Ue @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    tt @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    (anonymous) @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    pn.update @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    de.notify @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    set @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    mn.set @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    selectService @ amelia-booking-category-c815233687463ed95f38.js:1
    click @ amelia-booking-category-c815233687463ed95f38.js:1
    Re @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    n @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1
    Zi.a._wrapper @ amelia-booking.js?ver=2.4:1

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Nathan, 

    You need to resolve the Mixed content issue on your website. That has nothing to do with Amelia but can cause issues with any plugin that you have on your website. It is causing issues now with that one stated in the error - waypoints. You have some security that is not done completely or successfully, please check that out and resolve before anything else. 

    The above can cause issues with Amelia as well, but I see you have added something on the page (some notice on a black background) where you have Amelia, please look at them attachment. Could you please remove it and let me know if the issue is still there (please fix the mixed content first as well)? 

  • Nathan Hiemstra replied

    Hi Marija, thanks for the reply. 

    My error is gone now, there seemed to be a problem when I tried to call "window.afterBookingSelectService" in the custom.js file. And I fixed the mixed content error.

    There's another error that doesn't prevent functionality, but would it be possible for it to be fixed? 

    /yogasana-pro/testimonialsrotator/js/bootstrap.js asks for:
    wp-content/themes/yogasana-pro/testimonialsrotator/js/?ver=5.4bd.styles.css but gets a 403 error. 

    Looks like they swapped the query string for file name (?ver=5.4bd.styles.css) but when I swap it around (bd.styles.css?ver=5.4) it gives a 404 error. 

    This also happens on the Yogasana live demo. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Nathan Hiemstra , 

    You are welcome. Apologies for replying a bit later, we are not working on weekends. 

    Glad to see the previous issue is gone.

    The error that you sent is not connected to Amelia, but to your theme - as I see - Yogasana. Also , as you said. if it is available on their demo site, you need to contact their support for this issue, maybe they can help out.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.

  • Nathan Hiemstra replied

    Ahh, I see. Thank you!!

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Nathan. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.