  Public Ticket #2349634
Strange mobile behaviour for [ameliasearch]


  •  14
    Heinz started the conversation

    I discovered a strange behaviour on the [ameliasearch] page when I look at it on my iPhone. It is not clear how to book an appointment for somebody who does not know the system.

    On the first screen I don’t see any possibility to click either a service, nor an employee. I see search results, but there are non. I can sort services, but which one please?

    The icon to find the section where to select a date and time is not clear. That section should be first to be seen on this page, not the services.

    When I scroll through the date/time section the X where I can go back to the previous view is hidden as it seems it’s an iframe with a scrollbar, but unclear anyways how to go back. Maybe a button at the bottom might be better in this case.

    The whole page is very confusing and not userfriendly for customers. Most will just close that window and write an email instead.

    Is it possible to fix that soon?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Heinz, 

    This is how the Search view looks like on smaller screens, because there is no space for everything to be there right away, the search option and the search results are divided this way. The behavior you explained is a normal one (designed one) for the Search view on smaller screens. 

    We don't have a plan to change this look soon, but I understand your point of view and your suggestions make sense so I will forward them to the development and management team so it can be considered for implementation in one of the next releases. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.

  •  14
    Heinz replied

    From the perspective of a customer I would suggest everything in one window to scroll down, NO menu to click, and if so, than icons which are easy to understand. If the button for the date/time to choose would be a calendar icon it might a quick fix. Something like this? https://www.istockphoto.com/ch/vektor/kalender-icons-vektor-gm1127525797-297200466

  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for the suggestions, Heinz. I will forward this as well. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.

  •  14
    Heinz replied

    Now I saw that even on the tablet view portrait and landscape the dates are hidden when going on the page. There should be enough space to show it from a screen width bigger then 980px.

    Can your developers change that please?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Heinz, 

    Yes, that is the view on smaller screens. Unfortunately, they can't change that now, but we will consider applying some changes to that view in the future releases. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.