  Public Ticket #2346327
ameliacustomerpanel login vs wordpress login


  • Paulo Cantante started the conversation


    If I do login via [ameliacustomerpanel] shortcode placed in the login page of my site, all files with name, surname, email, etc ARE NOT PRE-FILLED when I do a event booking! The same happen on apointments...

    Anyway if I do the login using same account but via WordPress login, when o do a booking, all files are pre-filled, with my name, surname, email, etc... These files are even blocked so then can't change (as is my login infor).

    This is hard as my clients are complaining that need to put a many time same infor: name, surname and email!!

    Can you help?

    Thank you in advance and


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Paulo, 

    The information of the customers are pre-filled in the booking form if customers are logged in to the back-end of WordPress, they are not and can't be pre-filled when customers are logged in to the Customer panel, as that is a front-end view. 

    As I previously said, the information are filled in because you are logged in to WordPress and these information can't be changed when you are logged in to WP. But each customer can have their own WP user with Amelia Customer user role and login to the back-end of WordPress and they will have their information pre-filled in the booking process, if that is what you want to achieve. You can read more about users and roles following this link and about roles settings here

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask. 

  • Paulo Cantante replied

    Thank you Marija!

    Anyway I'm a bit puzzled with your answer, meaning that my customers need to come out from my site to complete login! Firstly on email to create password, when doing booking for the first time!

    After create passord my clients will be sent to WP backend, not knowing nothing about WP and remain confused by moving from my site to a "strange" page!!

    Besides I also don't understand why Amelia, that presume to be a good WP plugin have this above flow, sending people out of frontend sites...

    What can I do do keep my customers always inside my site (www.yogashalalvalade.com)?

    Thank you in advance and
    KEEP SAFE 😷🌈 

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Paulo. 

    This is how Amelia setup is at the moment. We didn't have Customer Panel (front-end login option) until version 2.4, it is a completely new feature. Until then, the only way for customers to manage their appointments was the WordPress back-end.

    The only thing that can't be achieved with Customer panel (the same as the WordPress back-end) is pre-filled fields for customers' information (name/email) in the booking form. So, when they are logged in to WP these fields can be pre-filled from WP users information and when they are logged in to Customer panel they can't, as this is a front-end view, and the information can only be pre-filled from a back-end login (from WordPress) in Amelia at the moment. 

    Maybe this can be achieved with customization of the code, but please note that such customization is not covered by our support. What I can and will do at the moment, I can add this (the customers information to be filled in in the booking form when they are logged in to Customer panel) to our feature requests list so it can be considered (if it can be done) for future implementations. 

    Stay safe!

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help. 

  • Paulo Cantante replied

    Thank you Marija  and thank you to add this important request on your feature requests list !!

    Your plugin is very good but this small detail damage his efficience...


  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Paulo. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help. 

  • Skrea replied

    It's a pre-buy question but since April, does something change or user still have to type name - mail - tel
    each time they book a service ?

    Best regards

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Skrea, 

    Customers need to provide their name in the booking process, the email and phone are optional -- they can be mandatory or not, it depends on you, you disable/enable these in the Amelia -> General settings. 

    If you have any other questions about Amelia you can open a ticket in the Pre-purchase Amelia category and we will gladly help. 

  • Skrea replied

    Yes it seems logical for the name.
    is there a way to remember this field or pre-populated to avoid regular customer to provide it each time they want to book ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Skrea, 

    The name fields are pre-populated when the user is logged in to the back-end of WordPress, and we will implement a function for the fields to be pre-populated when customers are logged in to the front-end Customer panel as well. 

    If you have any other questions feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.

  •  2
    alyssa replied

    Hi Marija, 

    I would like to have followup question regarding Paulo question : 


    "Anyway I'm a bit puzzled with your answer, meaning that my customers need to come out from my site to complete login! Firstly on email to create password, when doing booking for the first time!

    After create passord my clients will be sent to WP backend, not knowing nothing about WP and remain confused by moving from my site to a "strange" page!!

    Besides I also don't understand why Amelia, that presume to be a good WP plugin have this above flow, sending people out of frontend sites...

    What can I do do keep my customers always inside my site (www.yogashalalvalade.com)?" 


    I am using amelia pro as well as my plugin. and until v2.7 whenever I send login details to customer, it always redirect to WP-admin, meanwhile it's so confusing to the users. is there any possibility to send login details where customer can set their email and password directly to the front end customer panel? because eventho we have customer panel right now, the only access is via link in the email, and it's so complicated. meanwhile if i give the customers login details so they can directly login via customer panel shortcode in my website, the set up is confusing due to WP-admin dashboard redirect in the first place. 

    do you get what i mean? and is there any solution? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Alyssa,

    Customers can access the Customer panel when they book an appointment through a link you provide using the placeholder for this in the email notifications. When they access it first time they will set a password and later on they can login to the panel using that login. 

    The Customer panel link directs to the URL you provide in the field Customer Panel Page URL: in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles Settings -> Customer. Customers can only get a WordPress login if you enable the option Automatically create Amelia Customer user  there, so they are created as WP users in your WordPress and WP sends them login information. 

    If you have any other questions or issues with Amelia please open a new ticket and we will gladly help. 

  • Calvin Nguyen replied

    Hi Marjia,

    I was wonder if the pre-populated fields for the Front-End customer panel have been implemented yet.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Calvin, 

    When customers book appointments in Amelia while logged in to WP or the Amelia Customer panel the fields in the booking form (name/email/phone) are pre-populated with their information.

    If you have any further questions or concerns about Amelia please open a new ticket and will gladly help out.

  • Marco Bevilacqua replied

    Hi Marjia,

    actually I'd lie to have exatly the opposite... is there a way to avoid the population of the fields when a logged user to WP book an appointment?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Marco!

    Thank you for reaching out to ussmile.png

    This cannot be blocked I'm afraid; you can try turning off the option Check For Existing Email in Amelia > Settings > Roles > Customer, however, this mostly depends on cache of the client.