  Public Ticket #2342458
Hide Background picture when service is selected


  • Marius started the conversation

    I would like to hide background picture which is showed after selecting service and viewing description. I have marked the area I wish to remove in the attached image. Service name and price could be displayed higher when that background picture is hidden. Is it possible to do it? Could you add option to hide it?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marius, 

    The same applies here as in the previous ticket I replied - there isn't an option to remove this but it can be hidden with some custom CSS.  Please send me a link to the page where you have Amelia and I will help out with the CSS. 

    Please try adding this custom HTML to the page where you have your Amelia shortcode first: 

    #am-service-booking > div > div.am-service-gallery
    {display:none !important;}

    If that doesn't help please send me a link to the page.