  Public Ticket #2341283


  •  1
    Karl Training Kessler started the conversation

    I teach classes that are a one and done and generally do not get repeat business from a student. I like your software but unfortunately, for me, the actual appointment portion and services does not apply to my business.  But the events portion does. I want to be able to schedule classes and have people sign up and pay. My question is this, I will schedule multiple classes a month and they are all the same with the same info but I noticed there is no way to either save the event and re-use it nor a way to duplicate it and create new own event all together.  Is there any way to accomplish this? I don't really want to have to spend an afternoon typing in redundant info over and over.

    Thank you,

    Karl Kessler

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Karl Kessler, 

    Thank you for your purchase and apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    Unfortunately, there isn't an option to duplicate Events in Amelia with its current built-in features. The Events feature is newer than the Services feature and it doesn't have all the functionalities as the services feature does. I will add your request to our list so it can be considered for implementation in the future. 

    At the moment, the only way is to edit the periods of the old events (to create new ones from the old ones by editing their dates/times) but you will still need to remove the attendees from that event. In this case, you won't have the old events available nowhere in Amelia. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,