  Public Ticket #2340964


  • Clemens started the conversation

    Hello I have 2 questions:

    1) In the overview of Amelia there is a wrong name how can I change (see attachment)

    2) I can change the display image for bookings, but it is not displayed.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Clemens, 

    Thank you for your purchase and apologies for replying late, we are not working on weekends. 

    1) This usually indicates that you tested the plugin while logged in with your account, so when you entered the customer details, they were saved under your user ID in the database.

    At the moment, the only way to change that would be to access your database (via PHPMyAdmin or any other database administration tool), and access wp_amelia_users table. Please note that “wp_” is the default database prefix, but it is possible that you have a different one. So you’re looking for the table “your_prefix_amelia_users”.

    When you access that table, find the name that is displayed in the dashboard, click on “Edit” in that row, and simply change the details there.


    2) I am not completely sure if I understood your question well. If you think of the Customize of Amelia (the colors) then you need to delete cache after each customization in order to see the change. If you think of something else, please explain in more details of what it is. Thank you!