  Public Ticket #2339557
Calendar - blocking times


  • Shakti started the conversation

    I am new to Amelia.  I am not finding it very intuitive.  I am looking to have blocked times that are within my office hours.  It shows I can only block days off or special days.  Is there anywhere that I can just block off regular times, or do I have to make an appointment time scheduled in there for myself?  Of which I will get charged text messaging.  That's not cool if that's the only way.   I have had this for a short period.  If it doesn't work for me, I will have to ask for a refund.  I don't know if I can use this schedular.  Thank you for getting back to me.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Shakti, 

    If you don't want to provide services for some periods you can set up the employees' work hours accordingly. So, you can set up different work time periods for different days in the week, and you can make several work time periods in one day if you need that. 

    When you go to Work hours tab in the Employee modal, you can change the work time period by clicking on the pencil icon and you can add more work time periods by clicking on the + sign next to Apply to all days. You can also assign different services for different work time periods/days in the week. Please look at the attachments. 

    The Special days and Days off feature are there if you want to override the employees' work hours on some special dates or you want to take some days off. 

    Hope this helps. 

    Let  me know if you have any further questions or concerns,