  Public Ticket #2338642
Amelia sender email


  • Diketso started the conversation


    I have installed Amelia booking plugin. However, when I test the booking system all things looks good except there is no email sent to both the booker and myself after completing the appointment.

    I short, I don't find an option where I can set the sender email, even on the notifications setting. I cannot find it.

    Even if I test the email messages, it tells me to configure sender email in notification settings. I have no clue where that is.

    Please help me. I love your plugin very much and I want to solve this problem before I buy the full version.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Diketso, 

    Thanks for reaching out, we are glad to see you are interested in Amelia. 

    In order to set the notifications settings you need to go to Amelia -> Settings. You will there see Notification settings and when you open it you will see fields for setting up sender name and email. 

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,