  Public Ticket #2337869
Daylight Savings!


  •  1
    Holly started the conversation

    We've been setting up events & appointments but discovered that after this Saturday, they've all been assigned in calendars & online for an hour ahead! Is there a setting I'm missing to allow bookings to work with GMT/BST?

    If I manually change the times so they appear correctly, will they break on Sunday?

  •  1
    Holly replied

    ****FIXED****: In the main Wordpress seetings, select London instead of the default GMT, then update future bookings to correct time

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Holly, 

    Glad to see you managed to find a solution to the issue you had!

    Yes, the UTC+something settings in WordPress sometimes make this issue, we are not sure why. The City timezone setting works always as it should, so we suggest our users to choose City timezone instead of UTC+. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help,