  Public Ticket #2335699
Question About Features


  • Syed Hussaini started the conversation

    Hello Team,

    Do we have an option where a customer can book for a Service in recurring mode?

    Example, cleaning service once every week/month/quarter etc.

    Can we limit the bookings by location i.e. we would like to have people from Specific City only to book. We ask for their home address, hence we need to ensure they cannot enter any address out of that city limits.

    Kindly respond to this request with your helpful inputs.

    Best Regards,

    Syed H

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Syed,

    Thanks for you r interest in Amelia.

    Unfortunately something like that is not possible since we do not have validation for location.

    For services we currently do not have recurring appointments, but we plan to implement this soon.

  • Syed Hussaini replied

    Hello Nevena,

    Thank you for your prompt response. For limiting Locations, can we not use it with WooCommerce integration and then ahve the user enter the address through WooCommerce where we can control the locations that we cover?

    If yes, will we still be able to create Front-end Customer Panel in the Amelia?

    For recurring appointments, is there any timeline you have in mind?

    Kindly respond to this message with your valuable inputs.

    Best Regards,

    Syed H

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Syed,

    Unfortunately, it would not be possible since our WooCommerce integration is just for payments, it wont be possible to collect addresses.

    We still do not have any ETA for recurring appointments. 

    Thanks once again for your interest.

  • Syed Hussaini replied

    Dear Nevena,

    Thank you again for your prompt response. Can we possibly do this i.e. create a custom field with the drop-down containing the localities we cover and a field to enter the full address in order to collect address?

    Is this doable?

    Kindly respond to this message with your valuable inputs.

    Best Regards,

    Syed H

  • [deleted] replied

    HI Syed,

    Yes, that is possible, you can add addresses and for the customer to enter address you will need to add text custom field where he/she would be able to type address. 

  • Syed Hussaini replied


    Thank you for your response. I have made the purchase.

    Let us see how things move forward.

    Best Regards,

    Syed H

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Syed,

    Thank you for your purchase.

    From now one if you have any troubles you can write to our support engeeners in Amelia Category with your purchase key.

    Have a lovely day.